A Cranberry’s name is the announcing of its toehold in everyday attention. The name marks an exact place of the pasture, the Cranberry’s toehold.
Toeholds appearing important in the eyes of other Cranberries help in getting appreciation while using a name.
Giving names for concepts and objects is the method of perception in the MSC position called Mind.
When perceiving an object or phenomenon, the Cranberry (after a short and sketchy sensory examination) connects a name with the perceived thing and activates a chain of associations.
If, however, it cannot connect a name and a chain of associations with the perceived object or phenomenon, it cancels the perception itself. Anything that has no name does not exist in the eyes of a Cranberry.

The Malicious Flameling about names: ‘You perceive me but don't know my real name. My “real name” is your dream, the one that is not squinged: just my energy configuration. If you would give me a name, and I would “alter”, you would perceive me in another way, so my real name would get “lost”. Quoting the words of a warrior, Michael Ende: “Only the right name gives beings and things their reality. A wrong name makes everything unreal. That’s what lies do.” Your names do not matter to the Squingers. Just like to shepherds naming their sheep: each of you are equally “useful”, each of you is equal sources of energy.’  


Nature is the ecosystem of a given planet before breeding and the constantly diminishing remains of this ecosystem during breeding.

Being close to nature helps the Cranberry to reach inner silence and perceive in dreaming attention. From the Noble Race of Squingers’ point of view, nature is a hostile environment that must be avoided and destroyed by all means necessary.

There is a certain kind of energetic net on large, unpopulated areas that barely allows the consciousness of the Noble Race of Squingers to pass through. So, on the one hand, we encourage the Cranberry to destroy its own natural habitat. On the other, we squinged nature in the form of nursery gardens, plantations, parks, reservations, zoos, and holding pets and houseplants.


Emergency scenario activated by the Noble Race of Squingers. The Cranberry, as a breed, in certain areas, has become contaminated to a critical extent.
Our Soulengineers have introduced even stricter breeding rules here, which has the unexpected effect on individuals of the breed, to live with their remaining survival instinct in search of the illusion of freedom, escaping to places they can believe to be on long leashes. (In truth, the leash is not long but has just a different colour.) However, in this case, the Cranberries are not optimally distributed.
Politicians and governments that basically operate with squing effect manage this situation with grants. Discounts are given to the Cranberries willing to reproduce and receive additional credit if they want to live in a larger living space. The Noble Race of Squingers will do its best to get the Cranberries guided by the most squinged leaders. Such leaders can regulate individuals of the breed with more life instincts.

Normality is the enclosure, the hedge, the fence we have put around the MSC to fix it on Mind's position. In other words, it is the unceasingly growing energy membrane around that depleted MSC position. The walls of the Cranberry’s prison.


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