Family is the main area of socialization. Since the basic breeding condition is to fix the Mobile Sensor Centre, and since the MSC is mobile by nature, squing-effects have to be implanted into every new Cranberry.   
The MSC of a newborn is extremely mobile; it can actively use all information coming from dreaming attention.
Squing-effects are being uploaded on the new Cranberry within its own family. By “home-training” and forming behaviour, the Cranberrian parents repeatedly shepherd the younglings’ MSC to the “pastures” to fixed MSC positions. The specimen that is locked in the place of mind becomes a Cranberry.
Stepping over the border of this MSC position is punished by physical and mental abuse. The younglings who stubbornly want to stay free will be even tortured. Their practised dreaming attention will be called “imagination”, “hallucinations”, “fantasizing”. The discovered Noble Squingers by the little Cranberries is called “Boogieman”, “Monster”, etc. They pass on their conviction, which is taught by their parents and school that we do not exist.  
Family is the primary and the most important MSC fixer. The influence of school is (usually) built upon this. Therefore, we have implanted into the Cranberry the feeling of “holiness” towards its own family. This feeling will be protected with all might, despite any counter feelings or experience. If the feeling of holiness towards family perishes, the Cranberry can hardly ever give a voice to it; therefore, for our contentment, anti-family ideas have never spread widely.
How could it happen when everybody was born by a mother?”

By nature, the Cranberry child’s love towards its parents is the feeling of energy fusion (positive energy exchange). The child feels deep gratitude towards its parents as its awareness (life) was given by them. We utilize and squingefy this ancient process, exchanging its free energy into our energy absorbing (breeding) purposes.


Fascism is (besides inquisition) Cranberry’s best interpretation of the Noble Race of Squingers'
The fascist state resembles the best of our way of life, where order, discipline and loyalty dominate to take other being's energy. In these times, the funny world of the Cranberry was the closest to the perfection of the Noble Race of Squingers’ way of life.
The nine traits of Adorno’s F-scale measures each squing-effect in the Cranberry.
The nine traits are:
authoritarian aggression
impatience towards the phenomena of dreaming attention
superstition and stereotype
power and toughness
destructiveness and cynicism
projectivity through which unacceptable impulsions of everyday attention are projected to minorities
exaggerated concerns over sex, punishing those who behave against sexual morals 


Every Cranberry that follows a fashion trend feels special. If every exceptional Cranberry buys the same brand because it is so special, the Cranberry, which sees itself as something special, is uniformed without being aware of it.


Fear is the feeling from breaking the energy “membrane” grown around the usual MSC position. In other words, from crossing the "hedge"
of the "pasture", The longer time the MSC is fixed, the thicker the membrane becomes during the life of the Cranberry. The fear of breaking it through grows with the thickening of the membrane. To avoid fear, the Cranberry attempts less and less to shift its MSC. With the development of the solid bark, an energy bark develops simultaneously on the energy sphere, which nourishes the Noble Race of Squingers.

The Cranberry considers fear as an obstacle. We have installed worry and anxiety in the Cranberry, towards fear, to avoid every activity that needs great MSC-moving. So, finally, the Cranberry fears getting into the feeling of fear.

The warrior, who strives for great MSC movements, accepts fear as a natural feeling, appearing while breaking through the hedge. He or she uses fear as a guide and driving force to shift its MSC into the unknown. The more it manages to break the hedge, the thinner the bark becomes, and the less the warrior would feel any fear. The warrior has enough energy to know that fear loses its scary character if faced and consciously experienced repeatedly.  

Malicious Flameling: “Your artists with greater energies have already recognized many times that the “monsters” are fed by your fears.”


A feast is the squinging (regulation) of spontaneous joy. Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Passover, Ramadan, etc.… are excellent ways of fixing the MSC. It is the annual review of appreciation and pity. At the same time, it is an occasion to face death more and more forcing each year.


Fidelity (jealousy) is one of our tools to squing love’s energy flow.


Arthur J. Finkelstein. He was an operational, undercover agent of the Noble Race of Squingers. He received his orders directly from the High Command of Soulengineering.


Freedom is the lack of restraints on the MSC. The highly mobile MSC (freedom) produces energy (happiness) by finding new pastures. Increased energy (happiness) begets greater MSC mobility (freedom).
Unlike the importance–appreciation and the self-pity–pity cycles, this process produces free energy.

The warrior can gradually replace trash food by the activation of the freedom-happiness cycle.


One, whose MSC we have not yet fixed. The Homo sapiens, before its enslavement. It resembled the hominoids living now on the planet.


The free human's enslavement (in another word, breeding) means closing up the free moving MSC of the free human to the MSC place we have appointed (called ‘mind’).

A long time ago, the free human was aware of the Noble Race of the Squingers mechanisms. But it was curious about us. It saw our virus-like life form, a conscious virus with an immobile sensor centre. We have spread the infection by activating their importance–appreciation and the pity–self-pity cycles. We shifted its MSC back in the centre of the mind’s place over and over again to the world of clear, logical and powerful thoughts. And the free human was dazzled by the power of this novelty
and so accepted the challenge. Quoting their Bible: We have offered them the (mis)conception of knowledge and immortality.

“Gen2:16: And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and also gave unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

And the free human liked the mind’s MSC place. It has spent a lot of time here and started using up its energies, depasturing it. At this point, we had to make him believe avoiding boredom is not its primary objective; the free shifting MSC is not its goal in life — this was one of our fundamental problems to solve.
We argued for energy saving. The free, energy gathering man had had to work hard for each ‘bite’. We offered him trash food, produced by spinning the two cycles, a much more effective way to gather energy. Its nutritional value is lower, but it is much easier to produce. The free human accepted this offer because sparing and efficiency were a part of its survival mechanisms. Thus, our trap has closed.


Free will is the energetic advantage of the Cranberries versus the Noble Race of Squingers as an inorganic species. The Squingers can only control the Cranberries' actions indirectly due to its admirable brilliance and cunning and by the squing effects. Due to the higher energy level of the Cranberries, they would act against us at any given moment. But thanks to the superiority of the Squingers, with the progress of breeding, this alternative is becoming more and more of a mere theoretical possibility. It ceases in the moment of the Apocalypse permanently.
