The state of terrible twos is the little Cranberry’s first rebellion against MSC-fixing (the second one is adolescence), filling them with feelings of anger and helplessness. The state of terrible twos can be amplified by the MSC-fixing tools of civilization and socialization.

Since the parents’ MSCs are already successfully fixed, they cannot focus their dreaming attention on the child. This ignites the parents’ sin-litanies ("I’m not a good mother/father"), causing MSC-fixation again. For this, the little Cranberry reacts again with tantrums. And then again, a new MSC-fixing cycle, a self-inducing process, starts that is highly welcomed by the Noble Race of Squingers.

Unfortunately, it is more difficult to launch this cycle in some Cranberries who live close to nature. As for them, the state of terrible twos happens milder. Fortunately, we have implanted the feeling of superiority into civilized Cranberries towards the natural (primitive) ones to result in less information and experience exchange between the two kinds.  


Toehold is the special position of the given Cranberry within the MSC place called Mind. It is denoted by the name of the Cranberry, and he is attached to it by his name.

Cheap ‘surrogate energy’ of low quality, easy to acquire. Its advantage for Cranberry is its acquisition does not involve the fear coming with more extensive movements of the MSC. Its disadvantage is, it does not bring long-term satisfaction, well-being and happiness. This, however, is not a disadvantage for the Noble Race of Squingers. On the contrary: trash food ensures the survival of the Cranberry deprived of its real energy sources, favouring breeding.
The production of trash food is ensured by spinning the importance–appreciation or the pity–self-pity cycles.
Appreciation is a (replacement) energy dose coming from other Cranberries for importance. Importance is in direct proportion with the ability to fix the MSC and the incoming energy through appreciation.
A Cranberry with a low energy level tries to gain pity (an appreciation substitute) by enunciating its self-pity. This also produces trash food, though not as efficiently.
Because of the low energy level of trash food, the Cranberry’s life is accompanied by a strong, vague disquiet and sadness, the feeling that something is really wrong.
Those who cannot get trash food for a long period either launch the freedom-happiness cycle that produces real energy (i.e. become warriors) or they go mad or try suicide.  
