In terms of the Noble Race of Squingers, Hiding means closing up the Cranberry in the MSC place called Mind while closing ourselves out of it, out of the perception of the Cranberry. In the current paradigm of the Cranberry, the existence of the Noble Race of Squingers is not even theoretically acceptable. This is the key to our hiding. If Cranberry would shift this paradigm and make some quite easy deductions, it would discover our existence and breeding pursuits.
If the Cranberry considered three facts as possible truths, using the principles of Occam and Doyle, a straight line would lead to discovering the Noble Race of Squingers' existence. With that knowledge in hand, the Cranberry would change its worldviews and start fighting us.
1. The first fact: There is some kind of vicious, ‘evil’ within the humans, one that is missing from all other Earth species and has no evolutionary benefit.
2. The second fact: Extraterrestrial, predatory civilisations may exist.
3. The third fact: Consciousness living without a physical body may exist.
To acknowledge all three, however, would require a paradigm shift. The Cranberry only uses the mind in its perceptive paradigms. Studying the existence of consciousness without a physical body would have to turn on its dreaming attention. In the new paradigm of perception, the rational (everyday attention) and the intuitive (dreaming attention) will be united. A new stage of awareness can be reached, beyond language and thoughts, which, from a limited point of view, still does meet the criteria of being grasped by words, is verifiable, falsifiable, etc...
Matrix — Splinter in your mind
Vid., MSC-place
The Cranberry’s television set is more or less a good model to illustrate this. Depending on what kind of channel is set on the television, it sends different “realities” through the eyes to the brain. Seeing the end result, an upgraded television set providing the five senses with incoming information (virtual reality) highly resembles the MSC’s interpretation process.
The footstone of our hiding is the extremely shallow perception of the Cranberry.
Overexcitement is an experiment to “enrich” trash food. It suggests the Cranberry constantly experiencing huge, dramatic, extreme feelings. The overexcited Cranberry is dramatic, panicky or romantic then. It is “puzzling out a problem”, “pushing the pedal to the metal in idle”, “chasing their own tail”, and at the same time, they are “kickin’ up dust”.
Overexcitement preserves the illusion of intensity that would substitute free energy.
Comparing the MSC to wild lions either hunting or snoozing, after investing great energies, they need a rest. Lions in the zoo (similar to Cranberry’s’ MSC) don't need to invest much energy in their lives; they just walk around and around in their cages without pause.
These exercises are little; however, they provide the illusion of exercise, reminding the captives to great moves. In the long run, this exercise makes them exhausted without any outcome.
Overexcitement is a squinged intent. Instead of will’s energy, the Cranberry uses trash food’s low energy source, so the MSC spins around and around the same usual place without getting fresh energy.
In the course of contemplation, a warrior pulls down its cage with inner silence, then lets will’s energy take its MSC into faraway hunting territories where it gains new energy.
PACKAGING Because of packaging, the Cranberry stops listening for exact signs of its body, how much it wants to eat, or how much it really needs. Prepared portions help in fixing the MSC and dull the vigilance. Packaging conveys a command: "You shall not buy more or less, just as much as we order you!" With packaging, we bring the Cranberry to obey. The trick here is that opening a package resembles unpacking a Christmas present. The Cranberry is thereby filled with the feeling to be rewarded for its good (in fact, dull and bred) behaviour. The unpacking gives the feeling of activity without leaving his comfort zone (means, his usual MSC position). The more packages he can open, the more the Cranberry will be pleased. The unpacking package is a kind of trash food for the Cranberry.
PARADIGM SHIFTOverexcitement is an experiment to “enrich” trash food. It suggests the Cranberry constantly experiencing huge, dramatic, extreme feelings. The overexcited Cranberry is dramatic, panicky or romantic then. It is “puzzling out a problem”, “pushing the pedal to the metal in idle”, “chasing their own tail”, and at the same time, they are “kickin’ up dust”.
Comparing the MSC to wild lions either hunting or snoozing, after investing great energies, they need a rest. Lions in the zoo (similar to Cranberry’s’ MSC) don't need to invest much energy in their lives; they just walk around and around in their cages without pause.
These exercises are little; however, they provide the illusion of exercise, reminding the captives to great moves. In the long run, this exercise makes them exhausted without any outcome.
Overexcitement is a squinged intent. Instead of will’s energy, the Cranberry uses trash food’s low energy source, so the MSC spins around and around the same usual place without getting fresh energy.
In the course of contemplation, a warrior pulls down its cage with inner silence, then lets will’s energy take its MSC into faraway hunting territories where it gains new energy.
PACKAGING Because of packaging, the Cranberry stops listening for exact signs of its body, how much it wants to eat, or how much it really needs. Prepared portions help in fixing the MSC and dull the vigilance. Packaging conveys a command: "You shall not buy more or less, just as much as we order you!" With packaging, we bring the Cranberry to obey. The trick here is that opening a package resembles unpacking a Christmas present. The Cranberry is thereby filled with the feeling to be rewarded for its good (in fact, dull and bred) behaviour. The unpacking gives the feeling of activity without leaving his comfort zone (means, his usual MSC position). The more packages he can open, the more the Cranberry will be pleased. The unpacking package is a kind of trash food for the Cranberry.
In terms of the Noble Race of Squingers, Hiding means closing up the Cranberry in the MSC place called Mind while closing ourselves out of it, out of the perception of the Cranberry. In the current paradigm of the Cranberry, the existence of the Noble Race of Squingers is not even theoretically acceptable. This is the key to our hiding. If Cranberry would shift this paradigm and make some quite easy deductions, it would discover our existence and breeding pursuits.
If the Cranberry considered three facts as possible truths, using the principles of Occam and Doyle, a straight line would lead to discovering the Noble Race of Squingers' existence. With that knowledge in hand, the Cranberry would change its worldviews and start fighting us.
1. The first fact: There is some kind of vicious, ‘evil’ within the humans, one that is missing from all other Earth species and has no evolutionary benefit.
2. The second fact: Extraterrestrial, predatory civilisations may exist.
3. The third fact: Consciousness living without a physical body may exist.
To acknowledge all three, however, would require a paradigm shift. The Cranberry only uses the mind in its perceptive paradigms. Studying the existence of consciousness without a physical body would have to turn on its dreaming attention. In the new paradigm of perception, the rational (everyday attention) and the intuitive (dreaming attention) will be united. A new stage of awareness can be reached, beyond language and thoughts, which, from a limited point of view, still does meet the criteria of being grasped by words, is verifiable, falsifiable, etc...
Malicious Flameling: ‘Well, what more simple answer could you give to the fact that you feel so bad in your own life? That everything is so hard? That »you felt it your entire life that there is something wrong with the world, you don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad«... ?’ |
Matrix — Splinter in your mind
Vid., MSC-place
Perception interprets, decodes, examines and translates energy fields (fibres) running through the Mobile Sensor Centre. In different areas, the MSC perceives different energy fields. Therefore it interprets different inputs. The method of interpretation is the same. Thus, the perceived inputs are comparable.
Perception interprets, decodes, examines and translates energy fields (fibres) running through the Mobile Sensor Centre. In different areas, the MSC perceives different energy fields. Therefore it interprets different inputs. The method of interpretation is the same. Thus, the perceived inputs are comparable.
The Cranberry’s television set is more or less a good model to illustrate this. Depending on what kind of channel is set on the television, it sends different “realities” through the eyes to the brain. Seeing the end result, an upgraded television set providing the five senses with incoming information (virtual reality) highly resembles the MSC’s interpretation process.
Perception changes in each case when the MSC shifts. By the influence of alcohol, drugs or other herbs containing great energy, the everyday attention’s world will be interpreted less solidly, or the importance of colours is amplified, etc.
It depends on the MSC position, whether Cranberry sees the world optimistic or pessimistic, ridiculous or piteous, friendly or hostile, etc.
The MSC also shifts during sleep, dreaming, decoding energy fibres' information, running through different MSC positions.
Art’s operation is also based on shifts of the MSC. While interpreting an artwork, the Cranberry lets its MSC shift on the way shown by the artist.
It depends on the MSC position, whether Cranberry sees the world optimistic or pessimistic, ridiculous or piteous, friendly or hostile, etc.
The MSC also shifts during sleep, dreaming, decoding energy fibres' information, running through different MSC positions.
Art’s operation is also based on shifts of the MSC. While interpreting an artwork, the Cranberry lets its MSC shift on the way shown by the artist.
The perception of the Cranberry (in the MSC-position called Mind) is based on naming the perceived phenomenon; it is based on the name. After the perception of an object or phenomenon, after a short, shallow “taste test”, the Cranberry links a name to the perceived phenomenon. It activates an associative chain (lightning-thunder-storm-wind blowing-rain-etc.). By running through this, the Cranberry is sure to “know” what it has perceived. However, if unable to link a name and an associative chain to the perceived phenomenon, Cranberry rejects the phenomenon.
The footstone of our hiding is the extremely shallow perception of the Cranberry.
The part of the energy sphere that is perceived by everyday attention.
Pity is a low-level energy portion provided by other Cranberries, based on self-pity.
It is the ‘input’ of ‘I pity myself. Therefore they pity me, they pity me. Therefore I am pitiful’ energy cycle (flow).
The pity - self-pity cycle is a low energy level substitute for the importance–appreciation cycle. It ensures the survival of the Cranberry by producing trash food without leaving the MSC place we have appointed.
The Cranberry pities others because it feels sorry for itself. In other words, it has to face how would it feel to be in the same situation: Expressing condolences is perfection by providing pity to other Cranberries.
Pity is a low-level energy portion provided by other Cranberries, based on self-pity.
It is the ‘input’ of ‘I pity myself. Therefore they pity me, they pity me. Therefore I am pitiful’ energy cycle (flow).

The Cranberry pities others because it feels sorry for itself. In other words, it has to face how would it feel to be in the same situation: Expressing condolences is perfection by providing pity to other Cranberries.
In the words of the Malicious Flameling: ‘Consider, you don't pity more the ones suffering the most, but the ones complaining the most.’
Procrastination is a mechanism used by Cranberry to postpone getting energy, great MSC-movings and activities. The reason for procrastination is the lack of facing the fear of death, and so the Cranberry imagines itself immortal, having unlimited time to act.
For Cranberry, progress is the growing level of safety, growth and conveniences (the Holy Trinity of Civilization).
For Cranberry, progress is the growing level of safety, growth and conveniences (the Holy Trinity of Civilization).
For warriors, progress means the growth of their energy level.
Punishment is a reaction of other Cranberries against the “straying” MSC from mind-position. Punishment is based on shame. Punishment types are, for example, exclusion, mockery, bullying. The method of punishments is taught for every Cranberry. Leaving the fixed MSC-place will not be approved.
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