On the other hand, anxiety is the fear of the collapse of the positive matrix. It is commuting between the positive and negative matrix, kind of a “vibration”.
Ultimately, anxiety is the fear of losing higher nutritious trash food generated by the importance-appreciation cycle.
The Squing-effect causes regulated MSC-shifting. These regular movements are habits, or, with another name, addictions.
The stationary MSC doesn't produce energy, therefore it is useless for us. So in the breeding process, we installed an agency opposing MSC-fixation and allowing limited MSC shifts.
Its types:
1. The habits bringing MSC out of the position called Mind, are “unacceptable habits” (drugs) which we still tolerate in favour of the breeding process - similar to the mechanism of dreaming bag.
2. The habits inside of the MSC place called Mind:
a.\ Habits keeping the importance - appreciation cycle in motion
are “good habits” for which we encourage the Cranberry
Examples: Regular sport, regular eating, regular theatre-going, etc.
b.\ Habits keeping the pity - self-pity cycle in motion
are “bad habits”
Examples: coffee, cigarette, alcohol, nose picking,
nail biting - where we turn a blind eye on.
The Cranberry only acknowledges points 1. and 2.b. as “addiction”.
We gave an illusion of freedom to Cranberry: While exercising its addiction it thinks to exercise its freedom of choice. The mechanism is perfect. Even if the Malicious Flameling or a warrior tries to explain to the Cranberry its prisoner existence, locked into a cell, who is sometimes allowed to walk, the Cranberry replies, impossible, because it is free, and can do whatever it wants.
In the current form of civilization, every profitable industry is based on addiction.
Adolescence is the second rebellious phase against socialization (the first one is terrible twos). In this phase, Cranberry's dreaming attention is temporarily sharpened. Cranberries in their teens, temporarily discover rules and expectations are serving our purpose to gain energy from them. Thanks to the efforts of Soul Engineering we have recently managed to squing the adolescences’ rebellions, too.
The main objection of the teenagers’ rebellion is socialization. We provide their rebellion with false objects, so they don't feel to rebel against the family’s MSC fixing nature, but against the family itself, and that they don't rebel against socialization at school, but against studying.
However, the adolescents’ sharpened dreaming attention makes them more sensitive and vulnerable towards punishments (mockery, exclusion) for crossing the “hedge”. Therefore belonging to a group they can identify themselves with, or belonging to a “freely chosen” socialization becomes more and more important for them.
The activities of the Cranberry may be several.
1. Displacement activity is usually based on addiction. In the eyes of the Noble Race of Squingers this is the friendliest form of activity as it causes little MSC motions.
2. MSC-moving activity: new situations, searching for new hobbies, creativity, travelling and sleeping. Activities that can only partly be accepted by the Noble Race of Squingers.
3. Effective activity (efficient, fresh energy-generating) :
3.a. unconscious: used for survival in crisis, in life-threatening situations.
As it temporarily turns off the litany, it leads the Cranberry to fast reaction
without losing time for consideration.
It disappears after the crisis has passed.
As it temporarily turns off the litany, it leads the Cranberry to fast reaction
without losing time for consideration.
It disappears after the crisis has passed.
3.b. conscious: series of conscious activities, a lifestyle for the long run that
needs probity and persistence, in other words: “The way of the
warriors”. Through conscious activities, the Cranberry may gradually throw down
our chains.
needs probity and persistence, in other words: “The way of the
warriors”. Through conscious activities, the Cranberry may gradually throw down
our chains.
Regarding breeding, effective, conscious activity is extremely dangerous. It is an activity form that highly needs to be prevented.
The Squing-effect causes regulated MSC-shifting. These regular movements are habits, or, with another name, addictions.
The stationary MSC doesn't produce energy, therefore it is useless for us. So in the breeding process, we installed an agency opposing MSC-fixation and allowing limited MSC shifts.
(Similar to prisoners who are allowed to walk around the yard every day.) These limited MSC shifts are addictions.
Its types:
1. The habits bringing MSC out of the position called Mind, are “unacceptable habits” (drugs) which we still tolerate in favour of the breeding process - similar to the mechanism of dreaming bag.
2. The habits inside of the MSC place called Mind:
a.\ Habits keeping the importance - appreciation cycle in motion
are “good habits” for which we encourage the Cranberry
Examples: Regular sport, regular eating, regular theatre-going, etc.
b.\ Habits keeping the pity - self-pity cycle in motion
are “bad habits”
Examples: coffee, cigarette, alcohol, nose picking,
nail biting - where we turn a blind eye on.
The Cranberry only acknowledges points 1. and 2.b. as “addiction”.
We gave an illusion of freedom to Cranberry: While exercising its addiction it thinks to exercise its freedom of choice. The mechanism is perfect. Even if the Malicious Flameling or a warrior tries to explain to the Cranberry its prisoner existence, locked into a cell, who is sometimes allowed to walk, the Cranberry replies, impossible, because it is free, and can do whatever it wants.
In the current form of civilization, every profitable industry is based on addiction.
Adolescence is the second rebellious phase against socialization (the first one is terrible twos). In this phase, Cranberry's dreaming attention is temporarily sharpened. Cranberries in their teens, temporarily discover rules and expectations are serving our purpose to gain energy from them. Thanks to the efforts of Soul Engineering we have recently managed to squing the adolescences’ rebellions, too.
The main objection of the teenagers’ rebellion is socialization. We provide their rebellion with false objects, so they don't feel to rebel against the family’s MSC fixing nature, but against the family itself, and that they don't rebel against socialization at school, but against studying.
However, the adolescents’ sharpened dreaming attention makes them more sensitive and vulnerable towards punishments (mockery, exclusion) for crossing the “hedge”. Therefore belonging to a group they can identify themselves with, or belonging to a “freely chosen” socialization becomes more and more important for them.
With the notions of adult and adulthood, we mean squinging. An “adult” is someone who befits our expectations, who fixes its MSC a good student way, to the appointed place, and bows its head willingly to us.
The Noble Race of Squingers is the master of ambushing. We have closed the Cranberry into normality, while placing ourselves outside of it, to prevent Cranberries from discovering us. We have given them two normality building tools: the matrix and the litany. As long as their attention is occupied by matrix building and parroting the litany, we can easily exploit their energy, and they serve us meekly, without even realizing it.
We have started a ‘clockwork’ long ago, the slow process of breeding (many Cranberries think it is a work of God). and now, we are just watching our art piece from the background. We watch and feed. Even an intelligent and educated Cranberry would rather look for us anywhere else, than amongst their thoughts and feelings.
In family life, the specimens of the Noble Race of Squingers (discovered by Cranberry cubs) are called “bogeyman”, “monster”, or such. The cubs acquire knowledge from their parents and at school and pass on their belief, that we do not exist. As they could experience us with their dreaming attention, we trapped and attenuated it, and now, our only job is to watch that they do not start using it again.
Advertisement is a squing substitute for intent. Advertisements tell Cranberry what it wants. They are constantly parroting the squinged thoughts and consolidating the litany and the positive matrix. They turn safety, conveniences and growth into unique values. They strengthen the feeling of impatience.
Advertisement is a squing substitute for intent. Advertisements tell Cranberry what it wants. They are constantly parroting the squinged thoughts and consolidating the litany and the positive matrix. They turn safety, conveniences and growth into unique values. They strengthen the feeling of impatience.
The Noble Race of Squingers is the master of ambushing. We have closed the Cranberry into normality, while placing ourselves outside of it, to prevent Cranberries from discovering us. We have given them two normality building tools: the matrix and the litany. As long as their attention is occupied by matrix building and parroting the litany, we can easily exploit their energy, and they serve us meekly, without even realizing it.
We have started a ‘clockwork’ long ago, the slow process of breeding (many Cranberries think it is a work of God). and now, we are just watching our art piece from the background. We watch and feed. Even an intelligent and educated Cranberry would rather look for us anywhere else, than amongst their thoughts and feelings.
In family life, the specimens of the Noble Race of Squingers (discovered by Cranberry cubs) are called “bogeyman”, “monster”, or such. The cubs acquire knowledge from their parents and at school and pass on their belief, that we do not exist. As they could experience us with their dreaming attention, we trapped and attenuated it, and now, our only job is to watch that they do not start using it again.
Implanting anxiety into the Cranberry is one of the best MSC-fixing device, that has been invented by the Noble Race of Squingers.
Anxiety, on the one hand, queries the mommy’s darling litany and fears the sin litany.
Anxiety, on the one hand, queries the mommy’s darling litany and fears the sin litany.
“What if I’m not a good enough guy/woman?”
“What if I’m not a good enough professional?”
“What if I’m not trustworthy, honest, nice, polite enough and I become
“Will I have enough money?”
“Am I doing everything to become respected? Do I gain enough respect?”
“Is it important enough what I am doing? Am I important enough?”
“What if the world is not good but dangerous, full of challenges and it is decaying?"
“What if civilization has not been created for serving my well-being and for
enjoying myself?”

Appreciation is a trash food portion provided by Cranberries to each other, based on importance.
It is the “input” direction of “I am appreciated therefore I am important, I am important therefore I am appreciated” so-called energy cycle (flow) and is kept in motion by the litany.
It is the “input” direction of “I am appreciated therefore I am important, I am important therefore I am appreciated” so-called energy cycle (flow) and is kept in motion by the litany.
Since appreciation is trash food, the main driving force of the Cranberry’s civilized life is to gain appreciation.
Attention is the ability of the conscious creatures’ Mobile Sensor Centres to interpret, perceive, understand and translate the information running through energy fibres of the cosmos.
Attention has three types.

1. Everyday attention: is used by the Cranberry for its everyday life, and during these times its MSC can be found at the position called Mind. Everyday attention keeps the Cranberry’s physical body alive and spins in the inner circles of the spiral of life.
For the Noble Race of Squingers, this attention mode is the best for breeding, because it involves little MSC-movings.
Everyday attention locks away the dreaming attention using a “hedge”. It denies and rejects the usage of dreaming attention from the Cranberry.
2. Dreaming attention: the state of inner silence. The expanding part of the spiral of life. The Mobile Sensor Centre leaves its everyday place, the place called Mind, and it interprets the information containing in energy fibres running through MSC-places beyond the hedge.
During the usage of dreaming attention, the Cranberry is able to make great MSC-movings.
The Cranberry may experience falling, floating, flying or a pulling pain when it crosses from the everyday attention to the dreaming attention, and many times it may fill the Cranberry with fear.
The conscious crossing is called “going todash”, a “fantasy journey”, an “out of body experience”.
The Cranberries whiling in dreaming attention are able to connect to each other's energy body, and they can “see into” each other. They call this “telepathy”, and we have to prevent them to take telepathy seriously. The illusion of the separated Cranberry having secrets and a sovereign ego is fundamental for MSC-fixation.
3. Third attention, is. the state of Oxonotyl, the last part of the spiral of life. After practising dreaming attention, inner silence, collecting enough real energy, the MSC will be able to be “present” in every possible MSC-place at the same time. It comes with a tremendous energy concentration and with a flare of burning fire that glows inside, and the effect of this is that the Cranberry (or the free creature hereafter) finally leaves its everyday attention and its physical body. It releases itself from the spiral of life, and it exists as an energy creature further on. The state of the Oxonotyl may last till the fading of the Sun.
Attention is the ability of the conscious creatures’ Mobile Sensor Centres to interpret, perceive, understand and translate the information running through energy fibres of the cosmos.
Attention has three types.

1. Everyday attention: is used by the Cranberry for its everyday life, and during these times its MSC can be found at the position called Mind. Everyday attention keeps the Cranberry’s physical body alive and spins in the inner circles of the spiral of life.
For the Noble Race of Squingers, this attention mode is the best for breeding, because it involves little MSC-movings.
Everyday attention locks away the dreaming attention using a “hedge”. It denies and rejects the usage of dreaming attention from the Cranberry.

During the usage of dreaming attention, the Cranberry is able to make great MSC-movings.
The Cranberry may experience falling, floating, flying or a pulling pain when it crosses from the everyday attention to the dreaming attention, and many times it may fill the Cranberry with fear.
The conscious crossing is called “going todash”, a “fantasy journey”, an “out of body experience”.
The Cranberries whiling in dreaming attention are able to connect to each other's energy body, and they can “see into” each other. They call this “telepathy”, and we have to prevent them to take telepathy seriously. The illusion of the separated Cranberry having secrets and a sovereign ego is fundamental for MSC-fixation.
As the dreaming attention takes the MSC to new, lush pastures, it produces lots of energy. For the Noble Race of Squingers, this kind of attention is highly dangerous from the breeding aspect.
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