Besides family life, socialization (squing-ideas) will be mainly passed at school. Through “training” and “disciplining the behaviour”, the Cranberry cub is shepherded again and again to the MSC-place called “mind”. Crossing the border of this fixed MSC-place is punished by tortures like expectations, humiliations, exclusions.
The family and school closely work together to fix the MSC on the place of "mind". After getting into school, the family’s main function is to maintain the Cranberry cub’s school results. As school has a highlighted role, we have implanted in the Cranberry cub its importance, similarly to the feeling of “holiness” towards its family. The school’s successor is labour. At a regular workplace, MSC fixing continues.
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Besides family life, socialization (squing-ideas) will be mainly passed at school. Through “training” and “disciplining the behaviour”, the Cranberry cub is shepherded again and again to the MSC-place called “mind”. Crossing the border of this fixed MSC-place is punished by tortures like expectations, humiliations, exclusions.
The family and school closely work together to fix the MSC on the place of "mind". After getting into school, the family’s main function is to maintain the Cranberry cub’s school results. As school has a highlighted role, we have implanted in the Cranberry cub its importance, similarly to the feeling of “holiness” towards its family. The school’s successor is labour. At a regular workplace, MSC fixing continues.
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
The ‘non plus ultra’ of everyday attention. Researches and discoveries mainly serve the Cranberry's safety, comfort and gain.
On the other hand, science also tries to mimic the might of dreaming attention while using everyday attention, like flying, telecommunication, travelling faster than the velocity of light, invisibility, etc.…
Safety is Cranberry's impression, suggesting the MSC can stay on the usual (everyday) MSC position. Safety is one of the objectives of the Holy Trinity of Civilization for matrix building. It is an objective to keep the Cranberry inside the MSC-position called Mind.
Since the desire for safety is planted into the Cranberry, it has become (besides conveniences and growth) the Cranberry's utmost desire by the tool of socialisation. We have made safety unquestionable and self-serving, as it is important for us, and so, it will also become essential for Cranberry.
There are minimal differences among the Cranberries, which aspect of the "Holy Trinity of Civilization " is important to them.
Seeing means the activation of the dreaming attention and perceiving with this.
Self-pity is the activation of the sin litany.
It is the ‘output’ direction of the “I am pitiful. Therefore they pity me, they pity me. Therefore I am pitiful” energy cycle.
Boy George — Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
Seeing means the activation of the dreaming attention and perceiving with this.
Selfishness is a behaviour pattern resulting from the confined MSC. It is the trash food acquiring action of the fixed MSC (ego).
Selfishness is in direct proportion with the extent of importance and self-pity. It stems from the hunger for energy because trash food doesn't satisfy the Cranberry’s real need for energy.
‘I am important. Therefore I have the right to be selfish.’
‘I am pitiful. Therefore I really deserve to be selfish.’

It is the ‘output’ direction of the “I am pitiful. Therefore they pity me, they pity me. Therefore I am pitiful” energy cycle.
This energy cycle (as importance–appreciation cycle also) produces trash food. But the pity–self-pity cycle provides lower energy than importance–appreciation cycle.
Pity is a ration of energy that comes from other Cranberries. It provides the survival of the Cranberry by producing trash food, without the need for leaving the MSC-place we have designated.
Pity is a ration of energy that comes from other Cranberries. It provides the survival of the Cranberry by producing trash food, without the need for leaving the MSC-place we have designated.
The Malicious Flameling quotes the words of D. H. Lawrence:
„I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.”
Boy George — Do You Really Want To Hurt Me
The most intense periods of energy body fusion and energy exchange between human beings. This experience of energy exchange manifests even in everyday attention.
Shame is an accompanying feeling when returning to the MSC place of "mind". (The feeling accompanying when leaving the pasture is fear or excitement).
Shame is the basis of punishment. The more the Cranberry feels to be alone with its shame, the stronger its impression of being ashamed. The more experienced it is in crossing the barriers of its MSC place, the less ‘bad’ the fear is when crossing on the way out, and the shame is when coming back.
The most intense periods of energy body fusion and energy exchange between human beings. This experience of energy exchange manifests even in everyday attention.
Shame is an accompanying feeling when returning to the MSC place of "mind". (The feeling accompanying when leaving the pasture is fear or excitement).
Shame is the basis of punishment. The more the Cranberry feels to be alone with its shame, the stronger its impression of being ashamed. The more experienced it is in crossing the barriers of its MSC place, the less ‘bad’ the fear is when crossing on the way out, and the shame is when coming back.
For the Cranberry, we have turned everything into sin that opposes the interests’ of the Noble Race of Squingers, i.e. everything that makes the MSC shift on a large scale. Everything that weakens the mechanism of breeding in any other ways.
For the free human, sin has meant squinq-effects: the ego, selfishness and those characteristics and actions that have grown out of these. With the help of civilization, we perfectly turned these things upside down.
Socialization is the most brilliant lurking-place of the Noble Race of Squingers. The tool of socialization gives all our ideas into the hands of parents and educators. They infect, according to our will, the next generation with them. Our ideas will be handover together with (and mixed into) the basic survival knowledge of the Homo sapiens, so the learning process has maximum efficiency.
The brightest invention of the Soul Engineering in creating its ambushing place has become the greatest weapon of socialization: that the outside world the Homo sapiens experiences is not a product of socialization but an objectively existing reality, unattached from the perceivers. On where there is no breeding, no slaveholders, no Squingers. And the stupid, blind Cranberry believes this.
There are two ages when almost all Cranberry's rebel against socialization. These are the terrible twos when they can still see us, and in adolescence, when it discovers that our rules and expectations are to drain their energy.
A community (society) maintains the MSC place enclosed through socialization. Its tools of threatening are contempt, mockery, gossip and exclusion. Its tools of seduction are the spinning of the trash food-producing cycles.
In the current phase of breeding, the Cranberry still has the desire to get rid of us. This means he has the desire for indifferent about what the other Cranberries say and think about him.
‘What will the neighbour think?’
‘What are my colleagues saying about me behind my back?’
‘Do I measure up to the expectations?’.
To reach the feeling of indifference and get rid of us, the Cranberry would need such a high energy level, though, that only very few (and always fewer) Cranberries can achieve it. And even they only can achieve it through constant and ruthless work of long years.
Social networks are institutions made for the quantification of Cranberry importance. With their adjustment, the Cranberry will be shepherded into a virtual community, where the importance - appreciation and pity - self-pity cycles (trash food supplies) spin faster.
The amount of connections gains importance for Cranberry. He gets the opportunity to appreciate others and to receive appreciation (“likes”) in return. Apparently, for trash food production, appreciation doesn't need to come after a great effort. Trash food energy (good feeling) will be produced, even if the opening of a beer bottle or the sharing of a cool advertisement is liked. So, the Cranberry doesn't need to leave its comfort zone, its designated MSC place.
As participation on social networks causes little MSC-movings, it belongs to the category of spare action. It strengthens the addiction to trash food.
Soul Engineering is an institute in the General Headquarters of the Noble Race of Squingers that regulates and deals with the breeding process in practice and with the Cranberry’s and other species’ behavioural mechanisms.
1. Heaven
Heaven is a department of the Soul Engineering where the rewards awaiting the Cranberries having unwavering faith in the Holy Trinity of Civilisation are being developed and tested. Heaven realises in commercials.
2. Hell
Hell is a department of the Soul Engineering, where Cranberry punishments are being developed and tested. Punishments are implemented when the Cranberry’s everyday attention switches off from time to time — and before, dreaming attention could turn on. We take hold of these hiatuses, these moments of ‘vacant stare’, and for the Cranberry, there will be hell to pay.
The Room of Inculpation — A dark labyrinth where loudspeakers are shouting, whispering and cawing in the Cranberry’s ears, saying: ‘The only one to blame is you!’
The Growing Chamber of Mockery — It is a small room at first, where some Cranberry-like energy creatures (made by us) are standing around the Cranberry test specimen, mocking it. After a certain amount of time, the room starts to grow to the size of a living room, then a hall, then a stadium. As it grows, so does the number of Cranberries standing around the test specimen, facing it and mocking it more and more uproariously and wicked.
The Corridor of Faults — A long, desolate corridor lit by neon lights, with doors on both sides. Behind each door, the Cranberry sees a stage with a scene: a faulty decision of its past. The scene is played in slow motion, with bright white lights showing every detail.
The Pitfall of Loneliness — A hollow surrounded by mirror walls at a 45-degree angle is almost impossible to climb up. From behind the mirrors sounds the derisive laughter of other Cranberries.
The Steelmist — It lets the Cranberries close to the desired knowledge haunting them their entire life: that their greatest dreams and desires: flying, invisibility, travelling with the speed of thoughts... have been an arm’s length away the entire time. To reach these desires, they would only have to have used the energy of their dreaming attention.
The spiral of life is a system of energetic interpretation for the Cranberry’s existence. It has three parts. The inner circles are called first (every day) attention. The expanding spirals are the second (dreaming) attention.
The Cranberry spends its life on the inner circles, mostly it has no energy to break out from its tight spiral, from its fixed MSC-position, because its motion is too slow.
Those can reach the expanding spiral, who gather enough energy to leave their fixed habits and develop their dreaming attention. The Cranberry with a high level of energy can speed up the spiral of life, and while it is persistent in accumulating energy, it stops being a Cranberry. It will reach the state of the third attention at the highest speed of perception in this model.
The Cranberry’s dreaming attention is aware of the spiral’s nature. The third attention is called by the Warrior “resurrection”, “heaven”, “Nirvana”, etc.
The Noble Race of Squingers can proudly claim that we hinder the Cranberry efficiently to reach its second and third attentions in favour of the breeding process.
Spontaneity is an impulsive shift of MSC, suddenly liberating itself from the MSC position we have restrained.
The short-term effect of this process is harmless. However, if the Cranberry discovers spontaneity's energy-producing effect and uses its accumulated energy for further shifts, it seriously jeopardizes the breeding process. Especially when the Cranberry shares his experiences with his companions.
Nevertheless, our Soulengineering has effective antidotes to spontaneity.
The spontaneously behaving Cranberries will be stigmatized by attributes such as "irresponsible", "immature", "reckless", "unreliable".
With that, we put pressure on them to keep them from their further attempts of liberation.
Squinging is the control and regulation of the free moving MSC. It turns effective actions into regulation as habits. The squing effect is an ‘emotion-police’ telling the Cranberry what it should and should not feel. The main expression of the squing effect is to turn everything that had value for the Cranberry once into its opposite. And to turn into values, what the free Homo sapiens avoided or found contemptuous ages ago. Due to our breeding activity, the Cranberry sees our values as good and those of the free man as bad. (See also: grief, love, fidelity, etc...)
By the squing-effect, we bring every, in everyday life unavoidable movements of the MSC under regulation as habits.
There are countless examples for this:
Staying alive → subsistence
Hunting, gathering → shopping
Nutrition → regular meals
Living in nature → keeping pets
Protecting clothes → fashion
Love → marriage
Travelling → tourism
The teaching of Seers→ church
Spontaneous joy → celebration
Poem → ad slogans
The Cranberry is expecting the presence of squing effects even from animals. It disapproves they are not human enough, means, not squinged enough: As they have no human habits, they are not dressed up, they cannot talk.
The way a Cranberry reacts to the Encyclopedia is also configured the squing effect: ‘Impossible, crazy, unscientific balderdash!’ — the Cranberry is saying. Its discernment about the facts of the Encyclopedia is clouded by the squing effect.
That has made logic, thinking, and the recapitulation of experiences enter into its service. The squing effect makes forming an objective opinion impossible; no matter the statements of this Encyclopedia are enough to make its hair stand on end, the Cranberry would move past its emotions, self-justification and start logically arguing with the statements.
The Cranberry is asking in outrage:
‘Are we supposed to throw pedagogy, psychology, and all other -logies out the window, because nothing more is necessary to a happy life and well-being, but the voluntary moving of the MSC and using the dreaming attention?’
The Cranberry would be outraged, but it would never go over it. Walking down the ‘what-if-it’s-true’ path is way too scary, i.e. examining the world and itself from the truth of the Encyclopedia.
This mechanism shows the genius of our Soul Engineering clear as day.
The Noble Race of Squingers is called in Cranberrian the Primal Jinn or Conqueror. The Lord of the Cosmos. It is an unsubstantial species, being in a conscious energy form frozen in the Holy Immobility. It gains its nourishment from other species’ energy through the magnificent mechanism of the breeding process.
The funny way the Homo sapiens, or Cranberry, interprets the Noble Race of Squingers is our constant source of amusement. Its desperate and hopeless attempts to picture us are highly entertaining. In their artworks, films, novels, over and over again, they try to catch the spontaneously perceived Squingers in dreaming attention. They call them ‘alien entities’, ‘bogeymen’, ‘zombies’, ‘monsters’, demons’, ‘dementors’, nazgûls’, etc...
Their efforts should never turn into effective actions. The Noble Race of Squingers has prohibited the Cranberries from interpreting ‘alien entities’, ‘ghosts’, etc., as real and not just figments of their imagination.
As we exist as unsubstantial, conscious energy, only dreaming attention can perceive us. The most significant method of our ambushing is to atrophy their dreaming attention. To neglect and make all information secondary, coming from there.
We have to pay great attention to their children because the child Cranberry’s attention can still detect us. We confuse their dreaming attention by the process of socialization. They must be told, through their parents, with patience but dogmatically, that we do not exist — until they finally yield. This is the key to our imperceptibility and the success of breeding.
None of the species in the Cosmos, perceiving our goals and actions, would let themselves meekly be bred.
Squingers perceived by Cranberry children
Everyday attention serves us food while dreaming attention reveals us, the Noble Race of Squingers. Only the MSC moving around in a confined space is acceptable for us. Due to the lack of movement, a thickening membrane grows around the confined Mobile Sensor Centre (MSC). Parallel to this process, an energy crust forms around the whole energy sphere of the Cranberry, and that is the nourishment of the Noble Race of Squingers.
None of the living things wants to become our nourishment but wants to get rid of us. To confine the living thing into everyday attention, we use socialization based on civilisation (thus, we remain invisible). During this procedure, the fixed MSC becomes morality, and the moving MSC becomes sin or insanity.
The MSC is mobile by nature. It has to be bombarded with artificial problems to restrain it; we whisper these constantly into the ears of the Cranberry with the tool of the litany.
Through its energy-depleting effect, MSC fixing is experienced by the Cranberry through various, unique feelings. For example, woebegone, hopeless, sad, bored, lethargic or bad moods. Some of Cranberry's words describe the confined, ‘buried’ nature of the MSC, like a blind alley, tight squeezing feeling, being in a tight corner, depression, suppression, or being grain down.
These feelings are producing nourishment for the Noble Race of Squingers. So, we do anything to make the Cranberry live through and experience these emotions.
(The Noble Race of Squingers’ orders to the Cranberry)
1. Seek after the immobility of the MSC!
2. Eschew extensive MSC movements!
3. Eschew the state of dreaming attention!
4. Acquiesce the omnipotence and mightiness of the mind!
5. Obey the Mind!
6. Close your MSC up to the place of the mind!
7. Obey the commandments of socialisation!
8. Support the spreading of socialisation!
9. Punish the sinners against socialisation!
10. Obey our commandments, and dissuade yourself from our existence!
The spiral of life is a system of energetic interpretation for the Cranberry’s existence. It has three parts. The inner circles are called first (every day) attention. The expanding spirals are the second (dreaming) attention.
The last, leaving part of the spiral, is the third attention (Oxonotyl).
The Cranberry spends its life on the inner circles, mostly it has no energy to break out from its tight spiral, from its fixed MSC-position, because its motion is too slow.
Those can reach the expanding spiral, who gather enough energy to leave their fixed habits and develop their dreaming attention. The Cranberry with a high level of energy can speed up the spiral of life, and while it is persistent in accumulating energy, it stops being a Cranberry. It will reach the state of the third attention at the highest speed of perception in this model.
The Cranberry’s dreaming attention is aware of the spiral’s nature. The third attention is called by the Warrior “resurrection”, “heaven”, “Nirvana”, etc.
The Noble Race of Squingers can proudly claim that we hinder the Cranberry efficiently to reach its second and third attentions in favour of the breeding process.
Spontaneity is an impulsive shift of MSC, suddenly liberating itself from the MSC position we have restrained.
The short-term effect of this process is harmless. However, if the Cranberry discovers spontaneity's energy-producing effect and uses its accumulated energy for further shifts, it seriously jeopardizes the breeding process. Especially when the Cranberry shares his experiences with his companions.
Nevertheless, our Soulengineering has effective antidotes to spontaneity.
The spontaneously behaving Cranberries will be stigmatized by attributes such as "irresponsible", "immature", "reckless", "unreliable".
With that, we put pressure on them to keep them from their further attempts of liberation.
Squinging is the control and regulation of the free moving MSC. It turns effective actions into regulation as habits. The squing effect is an ‘emotion-police’ telling the Cranberry what it should and should not feel. The main expression of the squing effect is to turn everything that had value for the Cranberry once into its opposite. And to turn into values, what the free Homo sapiens avoided or found contemptuous ages ago. Due to our breeding activity, the Cranberry sees our values as good and those of the free man as bad. (See also: grief, love, fidelity, etc...)
By the squing-effect, we bring every, in everyday life unavoidable movements of the MSC under regulation as habits.
There are countless examples for this:
Staying alive → subsistence
Hunting, gathering → shopping
Nutrition → regular meals
Living in nature → keeping pets
Protecting clothes → fashion
Love → marriage
Travelling → tourism
The teaching of Seers→ church
Spontaneous joy → celebration
Poem → ad slogans
The Cranberry is expecting the presence of squing effects even from animals. It disapproves they are not human enough, means, not squinged enough: As they have no human habits, they are not dressed up, they cannot talk.
The way a Cranberry reacts to the Encyclopedia is also configured the squing effect: ‘Impossible, crazy, unscientific balderdash!’ — the Cranberry is saying. Its discernment about the facts of the Encyclopedia is clouded by the squing effect.
That has made logic, thinking, and the recapitulation of experiences enter into its service. The squing effect makes forming an objective opinion impossible; no matter the statements of this Encyclopedia are enough to make its hair stand on end, the Cranberry would move past its emotions, self-justification and start logically arguing with the statements.
The Cranberry is asking in outrage:
‘Are we supposed to throw pedagogy, psychology, and all other -logies out the window, because nothing more is necessary to a happy life and well-being, but the voluntary moving of the MSC and using the dreaming attention?’
The Cranberry would be outraged, but it would never go over it. Walking down the ‘what-if-it’s-true’ path is way too scary, i.e. examining the world and itself from the truth of the Encyclopedia.
This mechanism shows the genius of our Soul Engineering clear as day.
The Noble Race of Squingers is called in Cranberrian the Primal Jinn or Conqueror. The Lord of the Cosmos. It is an unsubstantial species, being in a conscious energy form frozen in the Holy Immobility. It gains its nourishment from other species’ energy through the magnificent mechanism of the breeding process.
The funny way the Homo sapiens, or Cranberry, interprets the Noble Race of Squingers is our constant source of amusement. Its desperate and hopeless attempts to picture us are highly entertaining. In their artworks, films, novels, over and over again, they try to catch the spontaneously perceived Squingers in dreaming attention. They call them ‘alien entities’, ‘bogeymen’, ‘zombies’, ‘monsters’, demons’, ‘dementors’, nazgûls’, etc...
Their efforts should never turn into effective actions. The Noble Race of Squingers has prohibited the Cranberries from interpreting ‘alien entities’, ‘ghosts’, etc., as real and not just figments of their imagination.
As we exist as unsubstantial, conscious energy, only dreaming attention can perceive us. The most significant method of our ambushing is to atrophy their dreaming attention. To neglect and make all information secondary, coming from there.
We have to pay great attention to their children because the child Cranberry’s attention can still detect us. We confuse their dreaming attention by the process of socialization. They must be told, through their parents, with patience but dogmatically, that we do not exist — until they finally yield. This is the key to our imperceptibility and the success of breeding.
None of the species in the Cosmos, perceiving our goals and actions, would let themselves meekly be bred.
Squingers perceived by Cranberry children
Everyday attention serves us food while dreaming attention reveals us, the Noble Race of Squingers. Only the MSC moving around in a confined space is acceptable for us. Due to the lack of movement, a thickening membrane grows around the confined Mobile Sensor Centre (MSC). Parallel to this process, an energy crust forms around the whole energy sphere of the Cranberry, and that is the nourishment of the Noble Race of Squingers.
None of the living things wants to become our nourishment but wants to get rid of us. To confine the living thing into everyday attention, we use socialization based on civilisation (thus, we remain invisible). During this procedure, the fixed MSC becomes morality, and the moving MSC becomes sin or insanity.
The MSC is mobile by nature. It has to be bombarded with artificial problems to restrain it; we whisper these constantly into the ears of the Cranberry with the tool of the litany.
Through its energy-depleting effect, MSC fixing is experienced by the Cranberry through various, unique feelings. For example, woebegone, hopeless, sad, bored, lethargic or bad moods. Some of Cranberry's words describe the confined, ‘buried’ nature of the MSC, like a blind alley, tight squeezing feeling, being in a tight corner, depression, suppression, or being grain down.
These feelings are producing nourishment for the Noble Race of Squingers. So, we do anything to make the Cranberry live through and experience these emotions.
(The Noble Race of Squingers’ orders to the Cranberry)
1. Seek after the immobility of the MSC!
2. Eschew extensive MSC movements!
3. Eschew the state of dreaming attention!
4. Acquiesce the omnipotence and mightiness of the mind!
5. Obey the Mind!
6. Close your MSC up to the place of the mind!
7. Obey the commandments of socialisation!
8. Support the spreading of socialisation!
9. Punish the sinners against socialisation!
10. Obey our commandments, and dissuade yourself from our existence!
Subsistence is the Cranberry’s concrete MSC-position, a toehold, to which its name is fixed. It is created by the operation of the Holy Trinity of Civilization.
Life survival is exchanged by us with MSC-fixation, so the Cranberry mixes up the two. Therefore subsistence is a squinged form of “survival”.
The loss of subsistence is one of the strongest fears of MSC shifts (besides jealousy).
Suicide is the Cranberry’s unconscious escape from squing effects, from breeding.
The low-level energy of trash food-producing cycles, eventually the sketchy and accumulated repeating of the sin litany and the negative matrix, lead to suicide.
Suicide is a finale, hopeless spin on the pity–self-pity cycle.
Suicide is bad for the Noble Race of Squingers (as we lose our source of sustenance) and useless for the Cranberry in its fight against us, too. Therefore it is the most dimwitted, most senseless solution the Cosmos has ever seen.
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