The expectation is the mommy’s darling’s litany, used with imperative. The litany's inner tool for MSC-fixing will be transformed into an outer one by expectations, and the Cranberries communicate them to each other. But they are nothing else than past pieces of training and instructions of socialization (by parents, teachers).
“Be a good child/guy/woman/mother/father!”
“Study well!/Be a good professional!”
“Be reliable, trustworthy, kind, polite to avoid loneliness!”
“Do everything to be appreciated!”
Ego is the feeling of the Mobile Sensor Centre for being secured and honoured.
For a freely moving MSC, every “pasture” (MSC-place) is equal. These places are energy generators where the cosmos’ different energy fibres run through. The MSC interprets these places as different “realities”, “worlds”. In this sense, they are different, but they are the same in the sense of generating energy; therefore, none of them is more important than the other.
For a freely moving MSC, every “pasture” (MSC-place) is equal. These places are energy generators where the cosmos’ different energy fibres run through. The MSC interprets these places as different “realities”, “worlds”. In this sense, they are different, but they are the same in the sense of generating energy; therefore, none of them is more important than the other.
The “pasture” appointed by the Noble Race of Squingers became essentially important for the Cranberry by producing trash food. We surround this with a “hedge” that’s breakthrough raises the feeling of fear in the Cranberry.
Warriors perceiving the locked MSC identify it as ego and fight against it. Even higher energy and consciousness level are needed to detect that they do not have to fight against their ego but against us. At this energy level, the high voice of ego in their head “screaming” will be recognized, as it is, in fact, our pain when we are being deprived of our energy source.

The energy body is part of the human being’s energy sphere that everyday attention cannot notice. It is situated around the physical body in a ball or egg-like shape. The Cranberry’s two outstretched arms can touch the inside edge of the ball. The flashes of the energy body are sometimes experienced by the Cranberry and are often called “aura”.
Before the age of breeding, the MSC was able to move freely inside the energy body. We have fixed the Cranberry’s MSC into the mind, a small, enclosed place of the energy body.

The energy body is part of the human being’s energy sphere that everyday attention cannot notice. It is situated around the physical body in a ball or egg-like shape. The Cranberry’s two outstretched arms can touch the inside edge of the ball. The flashes of the energy body are sometimes experienced by the Cranberry and are often called “aura”.
Before the age of breeding, the MSC was able to move freely inside the energy body. We have fixed the Cranberry’s MSC into the mind, a small, enclosed place of the energy body.
Environmental catastrophe is an inevitable event complex that leads to the end of the breed and, thus, also the breeding. Our Soulengineering has tried to eliminate this small anomaly since the beginning of the Holy Immobility, so far without success.
However, the extinction of a breed for the Noble Race of Squingers is not a big loss. The cosmos is limitless, and the chances are good to discover new species to breed, again and again.
Exclusion is a punishment based on Cranberry’s shame when wandering to forbidden MSC places. Exclusion aims the Cranberry to regret its sins and to come back to the community’s norms. Besides mockery, this is a very good MSC-fixing (or rather retracting) method.
The exclusion will usually apply when Cranberry’s MSC shifts away from the community’s common MSC position. In this case, litany will be switched on in the Cranberry, redirecting the MSC to its usual place.
Unfortunately, the punishing mechanism does not work on Cranberries with high energy level, as it is more difficult to make them feel shame.
Environmental catastrophe is an inevitable event complex that leads to the end of the breed and, thus, also the breeding. Our Soulengineering has tried to eliminate this small anomaly since the beginning of the Holy Immobility, so far without success.
However, the extinction of a breed for the Noble Race of Squingers is not a big loss. The cosmos is limitless, and the chances are good to discover new species to breed, again and again.
Exclusion is a punishment based on Cranberry’s shame when wandering to forbidden MSC places. Exclusion aims the Cranberry to regret its sins and to come back to the community’s norms. Besides mockery, this is a very good MSC-fixing (or rather retracting) method.
The exclusion will usually apply when Cranberry’s MSC shifts away from the community’s common MSC position. In this case, litany will be switched on in the Cranberry, redirecting the MSC to its usual place.
Unfortunately, the punishing mechanism does not work on Cranberries with high energy level, as it is more difficult to make them feel shame.
The expectation is the mommy’s darling’s litany, used with imperative. The litany's inner tool for MSC-fixing will be transformed into an outer one by expectations, and the Cranberries communicate them to each other. But they are nothing else than past pieces of training and instructions of socialization (by parents, teachers).
“Be a good child/guy/woman/mother/father!”
“Study well!/Be a good professional!”
“Be reliable, trustworthy, kind, polite to avoid loneliness!”
“Do everything to be appreciated!”
“Do important stuff!”
The phrase "Everything is alright" is a mantra planted by Soul engineering in Cranberry's head. It pulls a squing veil in front of the Cranberry and turns off its sense of danger. This mantra suggests that if everything is alright, it is impossible to get into dangerous situations, and the Cranberry does not need to act. Indeed, breeding is the simplest on an inactive Cranberry. Of course, when we talk about activity, we mean energy-generating activities. We mean the adventure-generating activity leading into the unknown. If the breeding base, the Holy Trinity of Safety, Conveniences and Growth, is compromised, the mantra "Everything's alright" remains inactive in the Cranberry.
The phrase "Everything is alright" is a mantra planted by Soul engineering in Cranberry's head. It pulls a squing veil in front of the Cranberry and turns off its sense of danger. This mantra suggests that if everything is alright, it is impossible to get into dangerous situations, and the Cranberry does not need to act. Indeed, breeding is the simplest on an inactive Cranberry. Of course, when we talk about activity, we mean energy-generating activities. We mean the adventure-generating activity leading into the unknown. If the breeding base, the Holy Trinity of Safety, Conveniences and Growth, is compromised, the mantra "Everything's alright" remains inactive in the Cranberry.
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