Vigilance is the observation of impulses coming from the cosmos, the awareness of their arrival and the perception of the information they contain. And so, vigilance is experiencing the feeling of "here and now". From another perspective, vigilance is the deliberate resistance to the MSC fixation of the squing effects.


Some rebellious Cranberries can understand the reason for their rebellion, which is the process of breeding. They are the ones who become warriors, fighting against us, the noble Race of Squingers. While fighting
throughout their lives, they gather energy for their final clash, for the moment when death reaches them.

Cranberries don't take warriors seriously but consider them mad, so the warriors have learnt camouflage. In moments Cranberries discover the warriors' secret, they try to shepherd them back to Cranberry existence by persuasion, humiliation or exclusion.

Fear is the feeling of leaving the pasture of everyday attention and discover the unknown. The warriors consider fear as a driving force and guidance. They have enough energy to understand that fear loses its power over them if it is consciously faced over and over again.

They don't consider the stopping of appreciation - importance and pity - self-pity cycles dangerous, as they don't intend to get trash food but free energy. While leaving his Cranberry existence, the warrior can gradually replace trash food by launching the freedom - happiness cycle. This energy gatherer activity is called “impeccability”.

Warriors (similarly to the Malicious Flameling) are annoying obstacles and difficult to handle in the breeding process. Several warriors fail during their journey. They go back to Cranberry existence or die. The reason for their failure is our harsh procedures that poison the warrior’s life in all ways and exterminate the defective Cranberry. These procedures are important because we must hinder them from infecting the mass of Cranberries with the idea of freedom. The Noble Race of Squingers considers as a significant success of the Soulengineering when a warrior has been diverted from its own way back to the Cranberry way of life.

However, if a warrior beats the Squingers, he will be able to do what the free human could not do to shift his Mobile Sensor Centre consciously. This is the essence of squing-challenge: only the conscious liberation of fixed MSC enables the Homo sapiens to shift the MSC voluntarily and consciously. Without fixation, there is no conscious freedom.  


The Warrior inculcate the opposite of "That will not work" and says, "There is always an alternative!" In all frightening and hopeless situations, he is looking for alternatives, and for him, this search is the solution for his most important goal, which is energy maximizing. Every time he feels, "That will not work," he strengthens himself: "It will!" The Warrior does not accept hopelessness because the search for a solution is the solution for him.


The community of Warriors is a community of interconnected attentions.
Through the energy threads connecting attention, run information and energy unimpeded. The so connected community functions as a single, living organism. Contributing to such a community is a logical and beneficial decision for any warrior.
At the same time, it is possible and desirable to rebel or to have an own opinion. The rebellion of a warrior runs through the community-wide network of attentions and alters it.
The warrior in his community feels like one of them and goes with the flow. He has the impression that perception taking place inside him is part of a Whole.

He uses the community's perception as if he were one of the thousands of single eyes of a fly.


The Warrior avoids the grim feelings of fatigue, boredom, and heaviness by not letting himself down in those MSC positions. He moves on to the next pastures (MSC positions) and fills himself with fresh energy.
As he spends most of his time collecting energy, his MSC is constantly active, moving from one pasture to another. So, he never meets fatigue, boredom and heaviness. Since he is always active, he does not have to rest in how the Cranberry understands rest.

This process, which is so damaging to the breed, is hindered by our Soulengineering at all costs.


The warrior's mood is the opposite of the mood of ("Everything Is Alright"). It comes about when the "Everything is Alright" command breaks. The warrior's mood comes from the insight that the cosmos is changing, indefinable, and unknown. It is the consequence of recognising that even on such a fundamental question, there is no reassuring answer as to who or what asks this question. This means asserting that everything (or even anything) is "alright" is nothing else but deception. Our Soulengineering prevents with all means the emergence, strengthening and dissemination of the warrior's mood.


The Warrior creates readiness and fights against heaviness by treating all incoming impulses immediately.
On the one hand, he pays attention to all incoming impulses. On the other, he examines these immediately for effects, created feelings and for reactions he might need to execute. These actions are carried out immediately if necessary.
The Warrior also looks at and examines his feelings that Cranberries would consider condemned, despised or forbidden. He does not lie to himself that "everything would be fine".

In this way, he can not fall into heaviness.
